Sunday 21 August 2011

Soil Conservation

Soil is a very important constituent, and is developed by a long process of weathering and disintegration of rocks which turn into sand or clay. The clay like fertile soil provides home to organisms like earthworms, beetles, ants which live in it. Soil provides anchorage to plants and trees. The plants and trees provide home to birds and animals. The crops growing on the soil provide us food and clothes. Thus, soil defines the quality of life around it, which is why it is important to use these soil conservation methods. Branches of environmental science like Earth science are constantly trying to find new methods, for maintaining the ecological balance. In different parts of world people studying soil science, are coming up with different new beneficial soil conservation methods.

Soil conservation is maintaining good soil health, by various practices. The aim of soil conservation methods is to prevent soil erosion, prevent soil's overuse and prevent soil contamination from chemicals. There are various measures that are used to maintain soil health, and prevent the above harms to soil.

Soil Conservation Strategies

There are many ways to conserve soil, some are suited to those areas where farming is done, and some are according to soil needs. Here are the various soil conservation methods that are practiced.

Planting Vegetation
: This is one of the most effective and cost saving soil conservation methods. This measure is among soil conservation methods used by farmers. By planting trees, grass, plants, soil erosion can be greatly prevented. Plants help to stabilize the properties of soil and trees also act as a wind barrier and prevents soil from being blown away.

This is also among strategies used for soil conservation methods in urban areas, one can plant trees and plants in the landscape areas of the residential places. The best choices for vegetation are herbs, small trees, plants with wild flowers, and creepers which provide a ground cover.

Contour Ploughing: Contour farming or ploughing is used by farmers, wherein they plough across a slope and follow the elevation contour lines. This methods prevents water run off, and thus prevents soil erosion by allowing water to slowly penetrate the soil.

Maintaining the Soil pH: The measurement of soil's acidity or alkalinity is done by measuring the soil pH levels. Soil gets polluted due to the addition of basic or acidic pollutants which can be countered by maintaining the desirable pH of soil.

Soil Organisms: Without the activities performed by soil organisms, the organic material required by plants will litter and won't be available for plant growth. Using beneficial soil organisms like earthworms, helps in aeration of soil and makes the macro-nutrients available for the plants. Thus, the soil becomes more fertile and porous.

Crop Rotation Practice: Crop rotation is the soil conservation method where a series of different crops are planted one after the other in the same soil area, and is used greatly in organic farming. This is done to prevent the accumulation of pathogens, which occur if the same plants are grown in the soil, and also depletion of nutrients.

Watering the Soil: We water plants and trees, but it is equally important to water soil to maintain its health. Soil erosion occurs if the soil is blown away by wind. By watering and settling the soil, one can prevent soil erosion from the blowing away of soil by wind. One of the effective soil conservation methods in India is the drip irrigation system which provides water to the soil without the water running off.

Salinity Management: Excessive collection of salts in the soil has harmful effects on the metabolism of plants. Salinity can lead to death of the vegetation and thus cause soil erosion, which is why salinity management is important.

Terracing: Terracing is among one of the best soil conservation methods, where cultivation is done on a terrace leveled section of land. In terracing, farming is done on a unique step like structure and the possibility of water running off is slowed down.

Bordering from Indigenous Crops: It is preferable to plant native plants, but when native plants are not planted then bordering the crops with indigenous crops is necessary. This helps to prevent soil erosion, and this measure is greatly opted in poor rural areas.

No-tilling Farming Method: The process of soil being ploughed for farming is called tilling, wherein the fertilizers get mixed and the rows for plantation are created. However, this method leads to death of beneficial soil organisms, loss of organic matter and compaction of soil. Due to these side effects, the no-tilling strategy is used to conserve soil health.

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